Reiki – Love

Manifesting Self Strength to Conquer Our Worst Fears

Manifesting Self Strength to Conquer Our Worst Fears

Sometimes I fear taking an action that might be wrong. Sometimes I fear not taking an action because I don’t know what direction to choose.  Something I have found that helps me is meditating until I find all of myself. I find ME in all of my different stages of life.

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The Fruit of My Heart

The Fruit of My Heart

You are the fruit of my heart. I blossomed and became a flower, a single flower in the tree of my life. Then you emerged from that flower. You were born a fruit. You grew with everything I could give you. With all my love and support. You are like me, like us.

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The vessel to your soul, your body

The vessel to your soul, your body

Our bodies contain our soul. You already knew that. I believe that we have forgotten the importance of it.
There was A MIRACLE when we took mortal form and our soul entered our body. Our body welcomed it in anticipation to the divine light that we are, and in a perfect communion we became one, one to last for our journey on earth.

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If you could see all the beauty inside your heart…

If you could see all the beauty inside your heart…

You have a beautiful heart...❤️ The last few days I have been thinking about the beautiful people that I have had the blessings in life to meet. You know who you are... earth life hasn't changed your essence. You still shine and illuminate other people’s lives. We...

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Crystal Artwork Gallery