Spiritual Reflections
Healing Brain Waves

~Spiritual Channeling by Gisella Miller, November 20, 2021
here are things we enjoy doing alone, things we call pastimes or hobbies. They bring us periods of playtime, relaxation. But, for some of us, there is a negative aspect to these activities; we have the vague feeling that we are wasting time or being lazy. On the contrary, music, writing, painting, knitting, crafting… each of them produces a different brain energy, but they all lead us towards the same higher state, like different roads that go to the same destination. The amount of time spent on the activity is important as well. When we feel bored, or lose interest, it is because we have achieved a full healing cycle. A healing cycle is programmed from the beginning inside our brain so that healing can happen. Our pastimes and hobbies have enormous value to our physical and spiritual state. They facilitate the creation of balance between the two. Let’s rediscover the things we enjoy doing alone. It feels good doing them because they are good for us. Trust the nature of things.
My personal notes and reflections about this message:
I saw once somebody keep a little sign on his desk that read, “Always do the most productive thing that you can do at any given time.” He kept it as a reminder to strive for his best, towards his most successful state. When I asked, he said he learned it in a self-improvement retreat. Back then, it felt wrong to me, and I never forgot about it. Today, I understand why it felt wrong. Today, I realize the crucial importance of allowing ourselves to play. We need to change our brain waves so that our body can restore. We need to reach that healing state in a conscious way, not just by sleeping. We call this state Delta, or higher meditation state. It is where healing happens. If we experience Delta waves in consciousness, during meditation, we will reach a higher inner power state and have access to information we need to self heal. Even if we just reach the Delta waves and stay within that state, we will be entering the self healing realm ❤
Gisella Miller
Crystal Artwork Gallery