What is Reiki?

What is Reiki?

Our world receives a constant flow of energy that regulates all things that exist now, and have existed from the beginning of time.

Reiki is a method of magnifying this healing energy. As a Reiki Master, I’m a receiver and transmitter of this energy.

This energy is love in its truest and purest form.

I make Distance Reiki and intuitive reading sessions available through Skype or Zoom.

Distance Reiki Healing and intuitive reading is a session lasting about an hour. During this time, I will be connecting with you spiritually while sending you healing energy. I will also receive intuitive messages from your spiritual guides that are important and related to you.

We will have a Reiki meditation together with emphasis on your body chakras and your physical body.

Each session is $150 per hour. Please contact me via email at [email protected] to set up your session.

Sending you Love and Light

Gisella Miller

Reiki Master, Intuitive Reader, Orgonite Maker


*I am not medically trained or a Doctor; I DO NOT give Medical counsel or advice or diagnose disease- I DO NOT treat or prescribe. I deliver the information that I receive from spiritual channeling to you, so that you may discuss it with your Health Care Practitioner.

**I MUST insist that any information given to you in a Health Reading MUST first be discussed with your Doctor or Counselor before taking any action.

*** All my essential oil blends are only intended for spiritual energy alignment and higher soul’s vibration benefits. They are not intended to treat or cure any physical ailments.

“You yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve LOVE and affection.”


Mahatma Gandhi

Crystal Artwork Gallery