Messages From The Light


~Message from Angel Nathaniel, April 10, 2020

This is the time of changes. Here on Earth we call this time a Pandemic or Covid19.
Many souls have known that when this moment will come, they are to leave their physical bodies in great numbers. Then after death, they all will raise directly to the Highness. These are all our Martyrs. This is a needed painful sacrifice for others to see and to understand how grave and serious an event this is. The departed are not in pain anymore, but their loved ones left behind are in tremendous pain while mourning their lost ones.

For the ones staying on earth, this is a moment of change – of adjustment. It is a heavenly sent opportunity for redemption. We will change our ways and teach our young new ways, and they will teach their young ones new ways when we have joined our ancestors.
This is a forced step taken by nature so humanity can correct its ways. Nature has stepped in to set up this correction.

Earth’s creation is so perfect, and in its perfection, it has ways to adjust and correct its inhabitants so that the planet can continue and complete it’s full programmed life. These natural mechanisms were always in place and they are activated when humanity has caused a very grave fault that changes the true path to one of self destruction. We call them diseases, plague, pandemic…etc.
These plagues and disruptions have been around since the beginning of Earth’s creation.
The Souls have listened, and that is good.

People have awakened to their new reality. We need to use our world responsibly. Process its natural resources respectfully and accordingly. The earth is alive and so are we. It’s transparent, and almost invisible well balanced regulatory mechanisms, will defend themselves if we abuse its resources.

My own comments about this:
Let’s not ever forget this moment in time we are all going through. Let’s remember it but not as another disease that was conquered with a new vaccine. But a time we’re reminded of our vital role on Earth. Humanity is responsible for this Earth. We are one of the components needed for its balance and equilibrium so that Earth can self regulate. We need to be aware of this and we also need to do our part. Not only by choosing our political leaders wisely and responsibly as they will be making important environmental decisions, but by caring about our own foot print and teaching our families to respect and live in this magical land in a responsible and compassionate manner.
Sending you Love and Light,

Crystal Artwork Gallery