Today I created a custom essential oil formula for a client. This oil blend is for her intentions today for this unique moment in time that she is going through. Presently she is experiencing a difficult transitional period in her life. She is striving for renewal. Those types of changes can be stressful and even painful for many people.

I added malachite, rose quartz, amethyst, citrine, and small chrysocolla gemstones inside the bottle to complement the healing intention. I also directed Reiki toward her and the bottle to set the intention for her to go through her transitional positive change in her life and to allow her to open up to new beginnings. All these for her Ultimate Best Good 🤗❤️

Gisella Miller

Reiki Master, Intuitive Reader, Orgonite Maker


*I am not medically trained or a Doctor; I DO NOT give Medical counsel or advice or diagnose disease- I DO NOT treat or prescribe. I deliver the information that I receive from spiritual channeling to you, so that you may discuss it with your Health Care Practitioner.

**I MUST insist that any information given to you in a Health Reading MUST first be discussed with your Doctor or Counselor before taking any action.

*** All my essential oil blends are only intended for spiritual energy alignment and higher soul's vibration benefits. They are not intended to treat or cure any physical ailments.

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