Messages From The Light


was 5 years old in 1975 when I heard a spiritual voice calling my name. It was a Saturday morning and I was in my bedroom playing on my bed. The voice was the sweetest sounding voice that I have ever heard. I clearly remember it as if it were yesterday. I have never in my life heard the melody of that voice calling my name again. It was a heavenly sweet sound full of love from beyond this earth. She repeated my name twice. Each time she said my name, the room just lit up. I never saw anybody. It was just a voice calling out to me.

I just sat there receiving the immense love. I was not afraid as I understood naturally the deeper meaning of it.

Over the years, I kept hearing occasionally, a variety of messages guiding me with my decisions. It was not until the year 2000 that things started to rapidly change and by 2008 I had all these guides very frequently sending me different a variety of messages.

In 2010 a new voice started talking to me in a different way. It was a male voice, and he was the only one now sending me messages. His words of wisdom stuck in my head. He was teaching me, and that hadn’t happened before. I listened and took notes. He spoke to me with messages of faith, science, humanity, religion, love and philosophy. I loved all the messages, and my way of looking at life changed enormously towards my highest spiritual level.

As time passed, the messages changed to instructions about how to stay healthy, and how I needed to change some habits. I have struggled with those, such as to eat only organic foods directly from the source. I was also instructed to drink only filtered water, and which supplements I should take. Every time I get sick, the voice will tell me how to care for myself.

Then one day I asked his name, and he said Angel Nathaniel.

He then instructed me to study. I took different classes on all types of different subjects: essential oil aromatherapy, jewelry making, epoxy art, among others. I didn’t understand why but I continued on that journey. I kept seeing number messages every where: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555 and others.

I was asking myself, “What is going on?” My life used to be so simple. Nothing seemed to change day to day. Every day seemed very predictable. Then one day I received an email from my Reiki Master inviting me to attend Reiki classes. I had experienced Reiki before and I felt I missed it and needed it back in my life, so I took the classes.

It was after I became a Reiki Master myself that everything I learned came into place and this website was born.

I’m now a Reiki Master, intuitive reader and an Orgonite maker. I also work with essential oils for spiritual healing.

The last instruction was that I should to go to Reflexology school, which at the time I didn’t understand, but I obeyed.

Today I know why I had to do it. I needed more knowledge of the human body and the ability to work and help people through their feet.

As I touch people’s feet I receive messages and channel Reiki energy to them. I also help them become healthier too. All this is for their Highest and Best Good and mine too.

This year 2020 Angel Nathaniel is sending me messages to share with you.

This section in my blog is only about his messages. This was the last part of his plan for me. I had to be prepared first, and it took some years.

Today my mission is to continue to post his messages as I keep receiving them. May one of these messages be the answer to what you are looking for.

Love and Light to all of us

Gisella Miller

Reiki Master, Intuitive Reader, Orgonite Maker


*I am not medically trained or a Doctor; I DO NOT give Medical counsel or advice or diagnose disease- I DO NOT treat or prescribe. I deliver the information that I receive from spiritual channeling to you, so that you may discuss it with your Health Care Practitioner.

**I MUST insist that any information given to you in a Health Reading MUST first be discussed with your Doctor or Counselor before taking any action.

*** All my essential oil blends are only intended for spiritual energy alignment and higher soul's vibration benefits. They are not intended to treat or cure any physical ailments.


Custom Made Orgonites