You have a beautiful heart…❤️
The last few days I have been thinking about the beautiful people that I have had the blessings in life to meet. You know who you are… earth life hasn’t changed your essence. You still shine and illuminate other people’s lives. We need your light. Please keep shining.
I think of the beautiful hearts I haven’t met and probably will never meet. But I know you are there. I can feel all the goodness in you.
These thoughts inspired me to make these little heart shapes. Each one, so unique and filled with spiritual gifts.
I’m working with gold leaf on all of them to represent a “heart of gold”. I feel this enhances and empowers these beautiful hearts 🙂
Each epoxy heart has a unique selection of gemstones and crystals. Some crystals are confirming your strongest virtues and values. Others are calling in for peace, healing, and balance, that you might need at this moment:
Aquamarine (calms and soothes), Amethyst (energy healing)
Crystal Quartz (spiritual healing)
Green Moss Agate (strength & courage)
Aura Quartz (inner peace)
Citrine (release negative energy)
Rose Quartz (love & trust)
Selenite (harmony & balance)
Red Carnelian (love & balance)
Blue Lace Agate (soothes & nurtures)
Labradorite (calms & protects)
Lapis Lazuli (wisdom and truth)
I added lavender flowers on some of them. All of them have a quartz crystal to represent your constant loving unique vibration.
May you find peace and heal so that you can pass it on to others. Healing is an energy that moves with love.
Please keep your beautiful heart shining
Gisella Miller
Crystal Artwork Gallery