Beautiful Garden Spirit Orgonite. Giant pumpkin leaves of our vegetable garden are surrounding it.
This was my first large Orgonite. I wanted to make this Orgonite for ourselves to place in our garden in Snohomish, Washington.
We live in the woods with mostly “nature owned,” land. Our home is built on one of the few flat areas of the property. The rest is rolling hills in a pine tree forest with some open areas and seasonal ponds. I say “nature owned,” because we interfere very little with the forest. We just clean some branches and try to control the constant fast growing invasive blackberry that I have reluctantly learned to love because of its’ medicinal properties. That is another story though.
I wanted to make this Orgonite for the land. To positively influence the land. I could feel the water stress of dry summers on the trees and the winter wind storms that we frequently had damaging many of the 100 year old pine trees. There is also the stress of the winter cold. Sometimes it is so cold that we have to cover some of the sensitive plants and bushes.
Four years ago we proudly planted one palm tree in front of our house.
A baby palm tree that we bought locally, it is a special variety bred to stand colder temperatures like we have in the Pacific Northwest.
It is close to our porch, in a micro-climate, protected by the house, receiving partial heat from the house. Unfortunately it didn’t seem happy and it was not growing as it was the same size as when we planted it years earlier.
After I discovered what a wonderful and amazing source of energy an Orgonite can be, I decided the first one that I made will be permanently displayed outside in the garden providing and cleaning the energy directed at all of our green life.
I used green gemstones and a special crystal quartz and set the intention to “grow and be healthy” with Reiki energy. I named it Beautiful Garden Spirit.
It is been one whole summer and fall since I made it and it is sitting outside going through our so far, mild winter. It has not seen snow yet.
Some people say that the Orgonite effect is all in our heads. That it has a placebo effect…
To them I say, this land doesn’t know about any of that, yet some troubled plants responded to the Orgonite. Our fig trees yielded more figs than ever and the palm tree doubled in size. We couldn’t harvest any of the figs though because the squirrels around here are faster than us. 🙂
Everything in the garden grew well and produced more since the placement of the Organite and we also had more weeds than any other year. I don’t call them weeds anymore but medicinal plants… but that is another story.
But the one thing that impressed us the most was the ivy plants trailing down a set of stone steps we have on the side of the house . We don’t use those steps much so when I went to go up those steps, I just stood there with my mouth wide open. For a moment I just couldn’t understand. What happened? There were no more stone steps. The ivy had grown all the way to the house and was starting to go up the wall.
I took a picture and showed my husband. He couldn’t believe this. We had been in this house for more that 14 years and we had never seen it like this. The ivy grows some in the summer and we trim it back but this was just so amazing and mesmerizing.
The following week a green friend was helping us trim them back. He asked me if I fertilized them. He said, if so that they don’t need any more fertilizer. I showed them the Orgonite and he smiled. He has planted the Ivy with us 10 years ago 10 years and he also was amazed at the growth spurt.
This was the start to my Orgonite journey. Since then I had made many of them. Each one unique with a different intention designed to help others.
I will always remember last summer’s garden story. Plants can feel and they felt the Orgonite’s energy working, healing and making them stronger.
The vegetation grew at an amazing pace this summer – better than any other year, and we had less pests attacking them.
The little palm tree on the front of the house is the most amazing example for me. It was sad and stunted for many years. Now it is not little anymore. It grew at least two feet during the 2019 summer and gives us a tropical feeling in the cold Northwest… helping us visualize a tropical sunny beach in the cold of the winter.
Gisella Miller
Reiki Master, Spiritual Channeler, Intuitive Reader
Crystal Artwork Gallery