What is an Orgonite?

What is an Orgonite? – Orgonite Elements

Orgonites are made with a special quartz crystal wrapped in copper wire. That is the heart of system. Equal amounts of epoxy and metal should be used for proper balance. Once the epoxy dries and shrinks, it will compress the quartz crystal magnifying its vibration. The copper and metal components will enhance the vibration even more releasing the positive energy.

I like to combine other elements with gemstones and metals to complement the purpose of the orgonite. Healing stones will be enhanced too by the vibration of the orgonite.

The pictures below show pieces that will be placed inside the very large orgonites. Each special piece is a tiny self sustaining system with crystals, gemstones and copper. It takes many days to complete an orgonite system. The planning, the drawing, the research and the energy sent out to be able to receptive to capture the celestial message of what the piece needs to become is a slow process. Then setting the elements inside can only be done in layers. Then the epoxy needs to dry after each step.

I create garden orgonites for plants with well being intention. Home orgonites with protection, peace and love intentions, personal orgonites with health and peace intentions are some of the variations. Office space orgonites with protection and mind enhancement intention. There are many beneficial intentions that can be set when the crystals and rocks are programmed with love.
These are just examples of can be done. I clean and program the crystals and gemstones I use with Reiki energy.

Not everybody will be in tune at the beginning to feel the vibration of an orgonite. You will eventually feel it’s healing and protective vibration.

It doesn’t matter what religious beliefs you have. This is not about faith.
An orgonite is just nature’s “air purifier” it is intended to clean and protect you from harmful EMF levels and other toxic energies around its environment.

Plants and animals can naturally feel it’s vibration and will use this energy to balance and thrive in their existence.

Beautiful Garden Spirit” Orgonite inspired in abundance for the garden. This piece is part of our own vegetable garden.in Snohomish, WA.

Humans have forgotten how to tune in to the earth’s nature elements. We need to ground and redirect ourselves to the earth, and use the unlimited abundant energy provided to us. Mother Earth can recycle the negative back into the positive.

When you are holding on to old grudges and carrying them with you inside, it damages our spirit causing us to struggle with being healthy and happy. You need to be balanced to thrive and succeed. I want to be a part of that and share with you what I have learned and what vessels I can create to facilitate that in you.

Sending you healing love.

Gisella Miller

Reiki Master, Intuitive Reader, Orgonite Maker

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and LOVE. But the greatest of these is LOVE.”

1 Corinthians 13:13


Custom Made Orgonites